PSY100H1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 10: Facial Feedback Hypothesis, Prefrontal Cortex, Alexithymia
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Emotion refers to feelings that involve subjective evaluation, physiological processes and cognitive beliefs. Moods are diffuse and long-lasting emotional states that influence rather than interrupt thought and behavior. Stress is defined as a pattern of behavioral and physiological responses that match or exceed an. Health psychology is the field of psychology concerned with the events that affect physical well-being. It is concerned with how people remain healthy, when they become ill, and what they can do to regain their health. b/c infants cant talk, they have to communicate w/ nonverbal action and emotional expressions. Birth j infant is capable of showing joy, interest, disgust, and pain. 2 months j anger & sadness, 6 months j fear. Lower half of face may be more important that upper half in communicating emotion. The mouth better conveys emotion than eyes, especially for positive effect.