PSY220H1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: Illusory Correlation, Cognitive Miser, Autobiographical Memory

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Chapter 3 j social cognition: thinking about people. Categorization the process of recognizing and identifying something. I. e. labelling a set of symptoms as a stroke is an example of categorization. Social cognition the study of how info about ppl is processed and stored. Schemas mental representations of categories, which contain the central features of the object, or category as well as assumptions about how the object or category works. I. e. relational schemas ppl have schemas for specific interpersonal interactions such as how doctors and patients are supposed to interact. Why do humans develop schemas? to categorize objects in a way that imposes meaning and predictability. When we categorize something, we assume that it possesses the characteristics of the schema (or most of them) even if we cannot perceive those characteristics directly. Schemas: function: categorization, function: info gain, function: rapid, efficient decisions, consequence: selective attention, consequence: selective interpretation.