PSY240H1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 12: Histrionic Personality Disorder, Paranoid Personality Disorder, Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders

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PSY240H1 Full Course Notes
PSY240H1 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

De ning and diagnosing personality disorders: a personality disorder is a long standing pattern of maladaptive behaviours, thoughts and feelings. In order to to be diagnosed, the symptoms must have been around since childhood, and be harmful to everyday life causing signi cant distress. These disorders are controversial because of the conceptualization of the disorder and the assessment. The dsm gives it special treatment because it is on axis ii and not on axis i, like many other psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia and major depression. People often with a personality disorder often experience one or more acute disorders such as major depression or substance abuse. People with personality disorders do not usually seek treatment unless it is for something else like depression or because their substance abuse has landed them in prison. The criteria for assessing these disorders are a lot vaguer than other disorders so, there is more room for error.