PSY240H1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 17: Tegmentum, Reuptake, Fasciculation
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Muslim cultures may impose strict sanctions for the use of any drugs; china certainly did at the time of the cultural revolution. In the uk, drug abuse is viewed as a medical problem. Holland make a clear distinction between soft and hard drugs. Many south americans, middle easterners, & east africans regularly chew khat and see nothing deviant in doing so. First nations groups in canada and the us use. In 2002,19. 3% all deaths in canada could be attributed to alcohol, tobacco, or drugs. Substance related categories on dsm: substance intoxication: experience of significant maladaptive behavioral & psychological symptoms due to the effect of a substance on the cns. Their attention is diminished or easily distracted. Their perception is changed and they may hear or see strange things. They can"t think straight and judgement is gone. They lose control over their bodies & can"t keep balance. They want to constantly sleep or not at all.