PSY240H1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1, 2: Robert Sapolsky, Thomas Szasz, Dsm-5
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Neuroscientist robert sapolsky asks why she"s crazy if masai kill goats and hear voices sometimes, and considered normal only men kill goats; she hears voices at the wrong times. A. d. 200: hippocrates and galen (400-300 b. c. and 100-200 a. d. ) wrote hippocratic corpus, said psychological illness caused by physical issue, head injury, heredity (genetics) Pasteur"s germ theory all symptoms of diseases are caused by some germ/bacteria, found for syphilis treatment = contract malaria, burn out" syphilis bacteria treatment showed people that physical, curable disease caused psychological symptoms. Canada many asylums built because of her, many mentally ill could access institutions but not enough staff inhumane again. Benjamin franklin tested w/ double-blind exp. , magnetized/nonmagnetized water; both groups better, nothing w/ animal magnetism. Charcot explored hypnosis for treatment of some psych. disorders more. Breuer, hypnotized patients, asked them q"s about conflicts, fears, noticed they were emotional as they talked, and relieved after.