PSY240H1 Chapter : Schizophrenia
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Schizophrenia: over 90% of patients with schizophrenia seek treatment in mental-health hospital a year. In canada to annual cost of schizophrenia is estimated $ 2. 02 billion dollars: total economic burden is . 85 billion, most develop it in their late teens and early adult. In canada 0. 5 to 2% of the population has been diagnosed with schizophrenia- spectrum disorder: schizophrenia is one of the most stigmatized psychological disorder, majority of people with schizophrenia live with family or alone. Symptoms, diagnosis, and prognosis of schizophrenia: two types of symptoms, type 1- positive-delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thought and speech, disorganized or catatonic behaviour, psychotic symptoms that occur in the absence of mania and depression, it is schizophrenia. Tactile hallucination (outside of the body)- perception that something is happening to the outside of one"s body: somatic (inside of the body)- perception that something is happening to the inside www. notesolution. com of one"s body. 15% of mentally healthy students report to sometimes hearing voices.