PSY270H1 Chapter 10: Chapter 10 reading
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Visual imagery: seeing in the absence of a visual stimulus. Experience of being able to visually remember seeing the pacific ocean, what"s in your kitchen, etc. Mental imagery: ability to recreate the sensory world in the absence of physical stimuli, also occurs in senses other than vision. ability to imagine tastes, smells, tactile experiences, melodies of familiar songs . Imagery provides a way of thinking that adds another dimension to the verbal techniques usually associated with thinking. : proposed images were one of three basic elements of consciousness, along with sensations and feelings: because images accompany thought, studying images was a way of studying thinking. debate: imageless thought debate artistotle: thought is impossible without an image . galton: imagery not required for thinking observed people who had great difficulty forming visual images still capable of thinking. Behaviorists: images are invisible to everyone except the person experiencing them, therefore should not waste time studying.