RLG100Y1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 2: Chronology Of The Bible, Abrahamic Religions, Religious Studies
Document Summary
Major squallers used indian and chinese ideas to suggest that christianity has been lurking in the dark as. The idea that there are these authentic and reasonable cultures out there. Anthro perspective: various attempts to define what is religion - the essence, theme in this era is that they don"t take religious sentiment all that seriously, anthropological approaches look to explain how we got from primitive to civilized. The people of iran and india were a diff branch of the same fam (borowed alot from the work of max mueler) Emic (insider"s perspective) (this ritual is meaningful in this way, what are the hopes and desires, faith and belief vested in that ritual?) + etic (description from the outside) (terms derived from linguists) Judaism, hinduism (changed a lot but traditionally), belief is of lesser consequence, common to see an athiest jew or secular jew, ethnic identity.