RSM100Y1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 13: Price Floor, Financial Instrument, Open Market Operation
Document Summary
Financial system: the mechanism by which money flows in and out, from saver to user. Securities: financial instrument that represent the obligation of the issuers to provide the purchasers with expected stated returns on the funds invested. Common shares: the basic form of corporate ownership. Financial markets: markets where securities are issued and traded. Primary markets: a financial market where firms and governments issue securities and sell them initially to general public. Secondary markets: a collection of financial markets where previously issued securities are traded among investor. Stock markets (exchanges): market where shares of stock are bought and sold by investor. Financial institutions: intermediaries between savers and borrowers that collect funds from savers then lend the funds to individual, business and government. Canada deposit insurance corporation (cdic): the federal agency that insures deposits at commercial and savings bank. Bank of canada (the bank): the central bank of canada.