RSM100Y1 Chapter Notes -Instructional Design, Value Proposition, Formal System
Document Summary
Direct discrimination: policies or practices that clearly make a distinction based on a prohibited ground. Indirect discrimination: when policies or practices appear neutral but have an adverse effect on the basis of prohibited ground. Adverse impact: when selection rate for a particular group is lower than that for the relevant comparison group. 1977, canadian human rights act protects from discrimination based on prohibited grounds. All individuals have an equal chance of being hired, keep a job, Get promotion, or receive other work benefits regardless of. 1982, charter of rights and freedoms first constitutional recognition of right to equality equality of men and women aboriginal ppls rights seek employment anywhere in canada use either official language. 1986, employment equity act eliminated employment barriers for. 2004, personal information protection and electronic documents act (pipeda) safeguard employee privacy by saying how companies can collect, use, and disclose information about individuals. www. notesolution. com.