RSM100Y1 Chapter 6: Chapter6

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--prediction markets: creating a market where people can buy shares in various answers to important questions that need to be answered. Reflect decisions about: resource allocation, company priorities and the steps needed to meet strategic goals www. notesolution. com. Shorter-range plans concerned with implementing specific aspects of the strategic plans. Set short-term targets for daily, weekly or monthly performance: organizing: mobilizing the resources that are required to complete a particular task. Types of managers: levels of management, top managers: responsible for a firm"s overall performance and effectiveness and for developing long-range plans for the company (coo, Important for first-line managers: human relations skills. Important at all level, probably most important for middle managers: conceptual skills. Important at top managers: time management skills. 4 main things waste time: paperwork, telephone, meetings, email: decision-making skills. Rational decision-making process: recognizing and defining the decision situation, identifying alternatives, evaluating alternatives, selecting the best alternative, implementing the chosen alternative, following up and evaluating the results www. notesolution. com.

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