RSM100Y1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 7: Musl
Document Summary
Organizational structure the specification of the jobs to be done within a business and how those jobs relate to one another. many elements work together to determine an organization"s structure. Chief among these are the organization"s purpose, mission, and strategy. Organization charts illustrates the company"s structure and shows employees where they fit into the firm"s operations. Chain of command the reporting relationships within the company. For example, the plant manager reports to the vice president of production, who, in turn, reports to the president. Job specialization the process of identifying the specific jobs that need to be done and designating the people who will perform them. advantages individual jobs can be performed more efficiently, the jobs are easier to learn, and it is easier to replace people who leave the organization. Departmentalization the process of grouping jobs into logical units. Top managers can see how the various units are performing.