SOC101Y1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 12: Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Victimless Crime, Social Control

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11 Jan 2017

Document Summary

Deviance: behaviour, belief, or condition that violates cultural norms in society/group in which it occurs. Durkheim: while ideas about what"s deviant vary, deviance is present in all societies. Deviance is those acts that offend collective sentiments. Claim makers: those who articulate & promote claims & who tend to gain in some way if targeted audience accepts their claims as true: claim-making activities are actions taken to draw attention to a claim. Crime: act that violates criminal law and is punishable with fines, jail terms, and other sanctions. Definition: proposition that people feel strain when they"re exposed to cultural goals they"re unable to obtain because they don"t have access to culturally approved means of achieving these goals. People turn to illegal ways of obtaining goals: opportunity theory. For deviance to occur, people must have access to illegitimate opportunity structures: circumstances that provide opportunity for people to acquire through illegitimate activities what they can"t achieve through legitimate channels.

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