SOC101Y1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 13: Mechanical And Organic Solidarity, Totem, Scientific Method

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* recognise the role of religion today and the characteristics that define a religion. * identify the trends of religions participation in canada today. * evaluate the contributions of religion to social well-being. * understand how religion can both include and exclude others in civic relationships. * religion consist of revealed truth - truth as solid and real as trees, but definitely more important. * sociologists of religion are not interested in whether god exists, or in other questions that scientific method can not answer. > interested in how people act out their religious beliefs in everyday life and how these beliefs affect their interactions with others and with society. * sociologists are concerned with how certain beliefs are legitimised, and who in society controls this process. > from a macro sociological perspective, they are interested in the rise and fall of religions, and the persistence of certain religions over centuries and even millennia.

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