SOC101Y1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Social Group, Visible Minority, Ageism
Document Summary
Social groups: individuals who happen to share a common features or happen to be in the same place at the same time do not constitute to a group. Share a common purpose but do not interact with one another: category: collection of people who share a similar characteristic. Not a social group because do not create a social structure. Formal organization is a structured group formed to achieve specific goals in the most efficient manner. Groups have varying degrees of social solidarity and structure. Formal organizations are secondary groups but may contain many primary groups within them. In-groups and out-groups: groups set boundaries by distinguishing between insiders and outsiders (help us discover our identity, william graham summer coined the term in-group/out-group. In-group: is a group to what a person belongs and with which the person feels a sense of identity: out-group: person does not belong; person may feel competitiveness or hostility.