SOC102H1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 8: Orientalizing Period, American'S Creed, Gordon Allport

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20 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Starting points chapter 8 racial and ethnc groups. *ethnicity refers to the existence of social groups with shared national or cultural traditions; ethnic group = defined by common ancestry and shared language and customs. *racial group: not necessarily an ethnic group; distinguished by visible physical features. *racialization: tendency to view and to group humans according to their visible characteristics. **racial and ethnic groups together = racialized groups. Encourages prejudice and discrimination based on mistaken belief certain traits are inherent in all members of a racialized group: minimizes historical, cultural, and linguistic differences among peoples from the same region. *the crt stance moves discussions on racialized groups from essentialism to performativity [from qualities to labels and performances] Functionalism: sees the existence of racialized groups as a way of providing people with the social links they need to survive; today give racialized group meaning and significance, like in past with kin group, village, and tribe.

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