SOC102H1 Chapter Notes -Zenaida Doves, Homicide, Color Blindness
Document Summary
Chapter 26 suck it up buttercup : a culture of acceptable workplace violence in. Workplace violence physical violence as well as psychological injuries, harassment, verbal abuse, etc: occurs on a daily basis for healthcare workers patients are violent towards providers, often goes unpunished. Becomes a natural part of the work day: managers say that from the beginning, violence was an expected part of the job. Among them, idea that you"re supposed to suck it up and take it like a man. Those that did suck it up end up being promoted. Keywords: workplace violence a current health and safety problem in businesses where employees are the victims of verbal and/or physical harassment from customers and/or clients. Chapter 27 let"s be friends : working within an accountability circuit. Focuses on eligibility for medicaid chronic care benefit. Application process takes a ton of paperwork and effort. New director tried to change the process to make it more user-friendly.