SOC102H1 Chapter Notes -Macrosociology, Ethnography, Labeling Theory
Document Summary
Social problem a social condition or pattern of behaviour that is believed to warrant public concern and collective action. Sociology the systematic study of societies. Purpose: to help us inform ourselves about current problems and their possible solutions. Much of early sociology was the study of social problems. Sociology has always been about social change, social conflict, and social cohesion. Deep confidence in the idea of progress : progress industrialization, urbanization, inventions, scientific discoveries, exposure to new and different ideas and cultures. Also, social improvement or social amelioration. : sociologists believed social life could be improved through the systematic study of social issues by applying knowledge and expelling ignorance, superstition, prejudice, and blind custom. Objective elements the measurable features of a negative social condition. Such a condition might include crime, poverty, or alcohol abuse and can be considered an objective reality. Subjective elements people"s evaluations of objective conditions and the processes that influence their evaluations.