SOC102H1 Chapter Notes -Racial Profiling, Edward Said, Institutional Racism
Document Summary
Bridging understandings: anishinaabe and white perspectives on the residential. School apology and prospects for reconciliation (jeffrey s. denis) Interviewed both white and aboriginal people (including those who were part of the residential school system) to learn their views on stephen. The residential school issue is not about money from the perspective of most. Aboriginals, bur rather seeking recognition for wrongdoing, acknowledgement of guilt and acceptance of responsibility, healing emotional and spiritual wounds, and working toward reconciliation. Finds that whites tend to want to just accept that it happened and move on, while aboriginals want follow-ups on the apology helping build infrastructure, language schools, etc. Generally rebuilding what the residential schools sought to destroy. Aboriginals and whites tend to view residential school issues through incompatible frames. Key words: residential school native residential schooling, a project intended to assimilate aboriginals into euro-canadian society and christianity, became part of canada"s history starting in the 1840s.