SOC102H1 Chapter 1: Chapter 1 notes of Social Problems book.

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Chapter 1 what are social problems: social problem: a social condition or pattern of behaviour that is believed to warrant public concern and collective action, sociology is about social change, social conflict, and social cohesion. Objective and subjective elements: objective elements are the measurable features of a negative social condition. They include moral labels that people apply to particular acts or situations, and the accounts they give for these acts and situations: reflect people"s beliefs and tastes, eg. Social problems and the sociological imagination: sociological imagination: a term used by sociologist c. wright mills in his 1959 book, the sociological. Imagination, that describes the sociologist"s ability to connect seemingly impersonal and remote historical forces to the most basic incidents of an individual"s life. The sociological imagination enables people to distinguish between personal troubles and public issues: eg. Teenage pregnancy leading to teenage parenthood: need to study these problems and find ways of preventing them.

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