WGS160Y1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 9: Honor Killing, Helen Betty Osborne, Slut
Document Summary
09:47 pm: vickers - thinking about violence. Understands the importance of women"s colleciveness- women"s movements have created shelters, safe houses, and crisis centers to aid women. A desire for security and freedom from violence is a top priority of women"s movements. Women have diferent takes on violence against women o o. Western women see violence through a gender lens focused on their personal security. Violence is more or less synonymous with wife beaing, rape and sexual harassment. Marginalized women in the west, especially refugees have experienced a broader range of violent acts - including war, genocide, mass rape as a strategy of war, forced removals, torture and being disappeared by state security forces. Amnesty internaional"s annual report revealed that of the un"s 181 member countries, 161 have repressive governments. Western women focus on violence against women whereas other women also face violence afecing their children, male partners and family members.