Astronomy 1021 Chapter Notes -Scientific Modelling, Redone, Scientific Method

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There have been many models that were formulated, but have now changed over tests beign redone, or modifications. Science comes from the latin word scientia meaning knowledge. However not all knowledge is science: the idealized scientific method: Start with a hypothesis = an educated guess. An hypothesis can be proven right, or you must revise and discard your hypothesis if it isnt proven right: hallmarks of science: Morden science seeks explanations for obereved phenomona that rely solely on natural causes. Science porgess throught the creation and testing of models of nature that explains the observations as simply as possible. A scientific model must take will force us to revise or abardon the model if the predictions do not agree with observations. Coperniuous"s orginial model of the solar systme didn"t match the data - noticably betther tha ptolemy"s model. Copernicus thought the universe was geocentric (earth is the centre of the entire universe: verifiable observations:

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