Management and Organizational Studies 1021A/B Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Total Quality Management, Leadership Development, Succession Planning
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Develop & coach people & help solve problems. In a service business, all you have are your people . All human resource processes & programs a re critical to company success. Embrace individual differences & develop people to their full potential. Help people understand important business issues before new ideas can be implemented, all the time being positive & supportive of their need & ability to contribute with fresh thinking. When employees can see a behaviour themselves, it makes learning and development so much easier . Vary your style of leadership according to individual differences. An integrated set of processes, programs & systems in an organization that focuses on the effective development & deployment of its employees. Employee also covers contract workers, people from other organizations who are working on a project, or any other similar working relationship. Human resources implies people are as important to the success of any business as other resources (ie. money, materials, machinery & information)