Management and Organizational Studies 1021A/B Chapter 1: MOS 1021 Consumer Behaviour Chapter 1 Summary
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The essence of marketing is discovering consumer insights . You must be relevant and engaging enough for consumers to choose your product or service . Create awareness and hype for new products. Encourage consumers to gather information/experience and buy the product. Design with the target market in mind. Marketing mix: product (features, technology, name etc. , price (competition, price plans etc. , place/distribution (retailers, stores etc. , promotion (create buzz in the market) Stand out by considering target market"s social interests, activities & media habits. Types of promotion: public relations (publicity, tv advertising (commercials during shows commonly watched by target market, print-based advertising (posters to catch attention of target market, online advertising (banner ads, search engine ads, email, microsite, point-of-sale material (displays) Consumers are busy in their worlds and not in our worlds . Never lose sight of your consumer or you may miss your window of opportunity.