Management and Organizational Studies 2181A/B Chapter Notes - Chapter 13: Negotiation, Organizational Conflict
Document Summary
Interpersonal conflict is the process that occurs when one person, group or organizational subunit frustrates the goal attainment of another. conflict often involves antagonistic attitudes and behaviours. Causes of organizational conflict: group id and intergroup bias. people develop a more positive view of their own in-group and a less positive view of the out-group : interdependence. when individuals or subunits are mutually dependent on each other to accomplish their own goals, the potential for conflict exists. it necessitates interaction b/w the parties so they can coordinate their interests (this could result in conflict) each party has some power over the other easy for one side to abuse its power and create antagonism: differences in power, status, and culture. power: if dependence is not mutual but one-way, the potential for conflict increases. status: if employees of lower status are giving orders to higher status people, conflict will likely occur.