Physiology 2130 Chapter : module 9 - circulatory system II blood vessels.docx

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Circulatory system is essentially a closed system of tubes (blood vessels) filled with fluid (blood) that is moved around by a central pump (heart) Blood vessels consist of arteries and arterioles that transport the blood away from the heart, capillaries where gas exchange occurs, and venules and veins that return the blood back to the heart. Aorta large arteries smaller arteries smaller arterioles smaller vessels that lead to capillaries (smallest of all the blood vessels and are the functional units of the circulatory system where substances enter and leave. Small venules small veins large veins vena cava. Two principle loops that the blood takes through the body: pulmonary circulation begins on right side of the heart sends blood through arteries to the lungs. Left ventricle aorta arteries arterioles capillaries (oxygen, nutrients, hormones delivered to cells and carbon dioxide and waste products picked up) venules larger veins to the right side of the heart.

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