Physiology 2130 Chapter : module 13 - endocrine system.docx

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Endocrine system consists of a series of glands that secrete different chemicals into the blood. These hormones then travel throughout the body to their target site to initiate their effect. Functions of the endocrine system include the maintenance of the internal enviro (body temp, body fluid volume, osmolality), adaptation to stress, control of growth and metabolism, and the control of reproduction. Nervous system has control over organs with which it is in direct contact. Endocrine gland = group of specialized cells that synthesize, store, and release a very special chemical (hormone) into blood. The hormone is released into the bloodstream and circulates throughout the body to specific target cells that have receptors for the hormone. The hormone will then have its effect on the target cell and can either stimulate or inhibit the activity of the cell. Glands: hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, gonads (ovaries/testes) Hydrophilic therefore can circulate freely in the blood.

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