Physiology 2130 Chapter : module 14 - reproductive system.docx

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The combined functions of both male and female reproductive systems are to pass on the genes of the individuals and maintain the species (unlike other systems which is to maintain homeostasis) Reproductive system fetal development of the reproductive system. Each cell in the body contains 23 pairs of chromosomes this includes a pair of sex chromosomes: the sex chromosomes consists of a large x chromosome and a smaller y chromosome. All eggs contain an x chromosome while the sperm can carry either an x or y chromosome. The sex of the future baby is determined at the point of fertilization if a sperm is carrying the x chromosomes penetrates the egg carrying the x chromosome, then a female will develop (xx) If a sperm carrying the y chromosome fertilizes the x chromosome bearing the egg, then a male will develop (xy) Development of each respective reproductive tract does not begin immediately after fertilization.

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