Physiology 2130 Chapter Notes -Pancreas, Alpha Cell, Cortisol

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Fats, carbs, and proteins are used for energy or to build structures. Triglycerides which make up most of the fat found in the body consist of 3 fatty acid chains attached to one molecule of glycerol. Proteins = long chains of aa linked tg. Carbs = long chains of monosaccharides (like glucose) joined tg. The carb glucose is stored as glycogen inside muscle and liver cells. Fats are stored as triglyercides inside fatty (adipose) tissue. Aa become structural or functional proteins inside the muscle cells. Glucose = 1% of the total energy requirements of the body and its reserves (in the form of glycogen) can last for a day. Fatty acids = 77% of the total energy produced and can last up to 2 months depending on the individual. Aa stored as proteins are not usually used to create energy but can account for 22% of the body"s fuel requirements if absolutely necessary.

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