Political Science 2230E Chapter Notes - Chapter 7: Section 33 Of The Canadian Charter Of Rights And Freedoms, Judicial Restraint, Ultra Vires
Document Summary
No right or freedom is absolute (rights and freedoms may come into conflict, and it"s impractical) Section 1 of charter: rights and freedoms are subject to limits prescribed by law. Section 33 (1): allows parliament/provincial legislature to make laws even if it violates the guaranteed freedoms. Discourse of rights is always part of the political scene (charter has changed society) Freedoms: individual"s liberty to do/ believe certain without restraint from government. Universal declaration of human rightsblurry distinction between rights and freedoms. Rights: individual and group entitlements that are considered fundamental to human dignity, they receive special protection under the law and: political, democratic, legal, economic, equality rights, to name a few. There"s other types of rights too (language rights, environmental rights etc) Rights are often constructed out of concrete historical circumstances. To be recognized as legit, a rights claim must be linked to one or more of a society"s fundamental values.