Psychology 1000 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Luigi Galvani, Donald O. Hebb, Gregor Mendel
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PSYCH 1000 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary
Chapter 1 psychology: the science of behaviour. Psychology: scientific study of behaviour and the factors that influence it. Psychology as a basic applied science quest for knowledge for its own sake. Goals: describe how ppl behave and identify factors that influence or cause a behaviour. Carried out in laboratory or real world settings o o o o o o. Applied research: designed to solve specific practical problems: goals: uses principle discovered through basic research to solve practical problems. Jigsaw program: compete against each other in order for any of them to succeed requires children to cooperate with one another rather than o. Requires multi racial group of children (5 or 6) who need to cooperate to meet a common goal. Chapter 1 notes: describe how ppl and other animals behave, explain and understand the causes of these behaviours, predict how ppl and animals will behave under certain conditions.