Psychology 1000 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Subliminal Stimuli, Detection Theory, Absolute Threshold
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Chapter 5 notes sensation and perception: synaesthesia normal sensory modality, but in others as well (2 or more sense are coupled) Chapter 5 notes: absolute threshold correctly 50% of the time the lowest intensity at which a stimulus can be detected. The neuroscience of subliminal perception and prosopagnosia: subliminal stimulus one that is so weak or brief that, although it"s received by the senses, it cannot be perceived consciously; the stimulus is well below the absolute threshold. Chapter 5 notes: have cortical damage in areas involving object perception, d. f. High order facial recognition is a complex process involving several brain regions including the lateral occipital area and fusiform facial area and primary visual cortex. Research emphasizes the importance of the case study to investigate psychological phenomena. Sensory adaptation: sensory adaptation sensory neurons are engineered to respond to constant stimulus by decreasing their activity (habituation) the diminishing sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus;