Psychology 2030A/B Chapter Notes - Chapter 2: Reflex Syncope, Tachycardia, Spinal Cord
Document Summary
One dimensional or multidimensional models: abnormal behaviour results from multiple influences obiology, behaviour, cognitive, emotional, social and cultural environment all components multidimensional model. Jody"s problem: behavioral influences oconditioned response to sight of blood otend to escape and avoid situations involving blood oexperiences vasovagal syncope common cause of fainting, biological influences. May have been previously exposed to other situations involving blood. 32%-62: this evidence states that genetic factors contribute to all disorders but account for less than half the explanation. 36: genetic endowment may actually increase the probability that oex. Prone to accidents and to get to places without regard for their physical safety ohave a genetically determined tendency to create the very environmental risk factors that trigger a genetic vulnerability to blood-injury injection phobias. Especially depression seek hard relationships: non-geonomic inheritance of behaviour ocomplex reaction of the two. Neuroscience and its contributions to psychopathology: neuroscience the study of the nervous system and its role in behavior, thoughts, and emotions.