Psychology 2040A/B Chapter Notes - Chapter 6: Evoked Potential, Immanuel Kant, Perceptual Learning

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Chapter 6: early cognitive foundations: sensation, perception, and learning. Research methods used to study the infant s sensory and perceptual. Experiences: in the early 1900s, medical texts indicated that babies were born deaf, blind, mute and impervious to pain for several days after birth. The preference method: the preference method: method used to gain information about infants perceptual abilities by presenting two (or more) stimuli and observing which stimulus the infant prefers, robert fantz determined whether infants could discriminate between visual patters. Intermodal perception: intermodal perception: ability to use one sensory modality to identify a stimulus or pattern of stimuli that is already familiar through another modality. Basic learning processes: learning: relatively permanent change in behaviour (or behavioural potential) that results from one s experiences or practice, 4 fundamental ways in which children learn: habituation, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning.