Psychology 2410A/B Chapter 8: Chapter 8.docx
Document Summary
Intelligence definitions of intelligence alfred binet: a holistic view. Binet and his colleague theodore simon in 1905, responded to this need. Factor analysis identifies sets of test items that cluster together, meaning that test-takers who do well on one item in a cluster tend to do well on the others; distinct clusters are called factors. Spearman downplayed the significance of specific intelligences, regarding g as central and supreme; g represents abstract reasoning capacity. Thurstone questioned the importance of g ; unrelated factors exist; declaring the supremacy of these factors, thurstone called them primary mental abilities. Tests aimed at reducing culturally specific content usually emphasize fluid over crystallized items. Recent advances in defining intelligence combining psychometric and information- To overcome the limitations of factor analysis, investigators combine psychometric and information-processing approaches; they conduct componential analyses of children"s test scores, looking for relationships between aspects (or components) of information-processing and children"s intelligence test performance.