Psychology 2990A/B Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Descriptive Knowledge, Procedural Knowledge, Mnemonic

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Chapter 5: june 3-9, 2019: describe the model of human memory, including: the sensory register, attention, working memory, long- term memory, understand long-term memory storage in terms of: declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge, and mnemonics. Identify why people sometimes forget and have problems with long-term memory retrieval: describe the effects of varying wait time in class discussions, understand the diversity in cognitive processes. What is cog psych: cog psych theoretical perspective, focuses on mental processes underlying human learning & behavior. 2 principles of cog psych: ppl learn new info easily when can relate it to smthn they already know, ppl learn several pieces of new info easily when can relate them to an overall organizational structure. Basic assumptions: cog processes influence the nature of what is learned, learning = an internal, mental phenomenon, how ppl think about & interpret their experiences affects what they learn from those experiences.

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