Psychology 2990A/B Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Inductive Transfer, Procedural Knowledge, Mnemonic
Document Summary
Information processing theory theoretical perspective that focuses on specific ways in which people mentally think about and process info they receive. Learn more info more easily when can relate it to something already know. Learn several pieces of new info more easily when can relate to overall org structure: selective about what process and learn can handle limited info at a time so focus on key. Sensation one"s ability to sense stimuli in env. Perception one"s interpretation of stimuli what body sense not always perceived: meaning is constructed by learner (rather than direct from env) Construction mental process in which a learner takes many separate pieces of info and uses them to build an overall understanding/interpretation of an event. Constructivism (piaget 1920s) theoretical perspective that proposes that learners construct body of knowledge from experiences w/ physical & soc env (knowledge that may or may not be an accurate representation of external reality)