Sociology 1025A/B Chapter Notes - Chapter 8: Visible Minority, Racialization, Ethnocide
Document Summary
Chapter 8 - race and ethnicity: defining ourselves and. Ethnicity: cultural characteristics such as language, religion, taste inn food, shared descen traditions, and shared geographic locations. Objective ethnicity: the ethnic characteristics of your ancestors - also known as ethnic ori. Ethnic origin: the ethnic characteristics of your ancestors - also known as objective ethnic. Subjective ethnicity: how you personally identify your ethnicity - also known as ethnic ide. Ethnic identity: how you personally identify your ethnicity - also known as subjective ethn. Race: a socially constructed category used to classify humankind according to such physica characteristics as skin colour, hair texture, and facial features. Racialization: the process by which racial categories are constructed as different and une that have social, economic, and political consequences. Indigenous) persons, who are non-c race or non-white in colour - also known as radicalized groups. Indigenous) persons, who are non-c or non-white in colour - also known as visible minorities.