Sociology 2233 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: European Canadian, Overjustification Effect, Fingerpaint
Document Summary
Composed of one"s thoughts and beliefs about (the known or the me ) Active processor of information, the knower or the i . Self-concept: contents of the self (our knowledge of who we are) Self concept and self awareness combine to create sense of identity. Self is a book and and reader of that book. Of contents collected overtime that we can access a specific chapter or add a new one at any moment. Chimpanzees, orangutans, and dolphins also have sense of self-concept. Red dot painted on animal then placed in front of mirror. Recognize that they look different from the way they looked before. Child: concrete, references easily observable characteristics: age, sex, neighbourhood, and hobbies. Nine-year old: brown eyes, brown hair, brown eyebrows, boy. Less emphasis on physical and more on psychological states and judgment of others as we mature. Extrovert, cautious and spiritual person, only child, worrier, not interested in politics etc.