ADMS 1000 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: Morale, Henry Mintzberg, Scientific Management
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management: the process of administering & coordinating resources effectively & efficiently in an effort to achieve the organization"s goals. managing includes the process of planning, organization, leading & controlling resources in order to achieve organizational goals. Planning: assessing what the organization"s goals should be; generating strategies to achieve the organization"s goals. organizing: designing work activities (how the tasks will be assigned etc) Leading: guiding & motivating all members toward the achievement if the organization"s goals; communicating ideas & directions effectively. controlling: assessing whether the organization is progressing toward its goals; taking steps to ensure problems are dealt with; establishing standards of performance. henry mintzberg conducted a study of managers in 1960"s. managers engaged in a variety of unpatterned short-duration activities, & the constant interruptions suggest that there was little time for systematic reflection. 10 roles that classify into 3 broad categories interpersonal, informational & decisional roles.