ADMS 1000 Chapter Notes - Chapter 7: Foreign Direct Investment, Multinational Corporation, Free Trade
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A process involving the integration of world economies ie, nafta. A process involving the integration of world markets worldwide consumer preferences such as mcdonald"s, sony, gap etc. A process that is expanding the degree & forms of crossboarder transactions among people, assets, goods & services. The growth in direct foreign investment in regions across the world. The shift towards increasing economic interdependence; the process of generating one global economy. A significant portion of sales among the world"s largest firms are generated from outside the home country ie the us company starbucks expanded in europe a. way of obtaining resources that are either unavailable or too costly within the domestic borders. companies need to consider where new market opportunities exist. A business may be pushed into becoming a global business because it"s forced to compete with a foreign competitor. First movers have more of an advantage to establish a strong position in the business.