HIST 1031 Chapter Notes - Chapter 27: Strategic Defense Initiative, Brezhnev Doctrine, Atlantic Charter

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28 Jan 2014

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Chapter 27 the interwar years: the challenge of dictators and depression. Germany"s humiliation and resentment for the allies grew after the paris settlement. After the war, there was a great depression in europe. This was caused by a financial crisis due to the war, a crisis in production and good distribution in the world market, and because there was no strong economic leader. Almost every country was in debt and owed money to other countries. The 1920s also saw the establishment of an independent irish state. Under the economic policy of war communism, the red army won in russia. In 1921, lenin created the new economic policy, in which peasants could farm for a profit and would pay taxes. Lenin believed the peasantry held the key to the revolution. After stalin died, a struggle ensued between the two powerful men in russia: stalin and trotsky.

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