ASL 101 Chapter 4: Signing Naturally Unit 4
Document Summary
Watch the videos for pages 178-180 and do minidialoguespg179. How many kids anna had with previous husbands. How many more children does anna want? none. How many of the puppies were girls and how many were boys. Watch the videos for pages 181-183 and answer the questions. Watch the videos for pages 184-185 and do write the numberpg185. Read deaf profile on pages 186-187 and answer the questions: list 10 facts about marie jean phillip. She was the oldest of 3 deaf daughters. She was a freshman at gallaudet at age 16. She was a research assistant at northeastern university focusing on asl. She served on the state of massachusetts taskforce on deafness that studied state departments and whether they met the needs of deaf citizens. She was an elementary school named after her. She was a strong advocate for deaf people in other countries and traveled around the world. Watch the videos for pages 188-192 and do minidialoguespg191.