HIST 1003 Chapter Notes - Chapter 24: Racial Hygiene, Greater Germanic Reich, Socalled

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13 Oct 2017

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Hitler"s preparations for war: almost as soon as he obtained the chancellorship in 1933, hitler began rebuilding his army and planning for war. The financial wizardry of reich economic minster hjalmar schacht, the renunciation of reparations payments, and the expropriation of jewish property allowed huge sums to be devoted to military spending. Gori(cid:374)g (cid:272)arefull(cid:455) (cid:272)o(cid:374)sidered the rei(cid:272)h"s (cid:374)eeds for ra(cid:449) (cid:373)aterials su(cid:272)h as oil, iro(cid:374), a(cid:374)d ru(cid:271)(cid:271)er. Hitler concluded that even by vastly increasing the production of armaments, food, and synthetic fuels, germany would have to seize additional territory and resources if it was to defeat its arch enemies, bolshevism and world jewry. Both men still believed that the starving home front had stabbed the army in the back in 1918, and thus also wanted to annex regions that would provide reliable food supply for the reich. In 1936, he developed a four-year economic plan whose secret intent was to make germany ready for war in 1940.

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