BIO 181 Chapter Notes - Chapter 2: Autotroph, Protist, Nucleoid

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22 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Heterotroph or autotrophs b. v. algae and protozoa: fungi c. i. Chitin-cell wall carbohydrate also found in insect exoskeletons. c. iii. Yeasts, mushrooms, and athlete"s foot: plantae d. i. May have flagellum protruding through cell wall a. iii. Made of network of fibers (not water type). So are h2o permeable: plasma membrane (cell membrane) b. i. 1. All membranes are made of lipids and proteins. b. i. 2. Controls what enters and leaves the cell b. i. 2. a. i. Extension of membrane with motor at base c. ii. Use energy(e) (in the form of atp) to turn tail like a propeller c. iv. Run and tumble movement: dna- deoxyribonucleic acid d. i. May be called a nucleoid (oid-like/resemble: plasmid e. i. Function: transmit genetic information to other bacteria: ribosomes f. i. Each ribosome has two subunits; one large and one small f. iii. Subunits join into intact ribosome only when synthesizing protein f. v. S=how far down a centrifuge tube ribosomes travel when: cytoplasm g. i. Inflates the cell- gives cell structural support g. v. 3. a.