01:694:301 Chapter Notes - Chapter 11: Cytosol, Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate, Stoichiometry

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Two major divisions in metabolism: catabolism complex substances are degraded to simpler molecules, anabolism the synthesis of complex organic molecules. Intermediary metabolism: synthesis (anabolic reactions) and degradation (catabolic reactions) of small molecules (metabolic intermediates: includes all reactions involved in generating and storing metabolic energy. Energy metabolism: intermediary metabolic pathways that generate or store energy. Central pathways: pathways accounting for large amounts of mass transfer and energy generation in a cell (heaviest traffic and highly conserved across organisms) Autotrophs (self feeding): can synthesize all organic metabolites from co2: plants. Heterotrophs (feeding on others): require reduced carbon compounds: animals. Virtually all multicellular organisms and many bacteria are strictly aerobic organisms they"re dependent on respiration (the coupling of energy generation to the oxidation of nutrients by oxygen) Some microorganisms can grow in anaerobic environments doesn"t involve oxygen: goes through fermentation. 11. 2 freeways on the metabolic road map. The central pathways account for most of the mass transformations in metabolism.