CS110 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Finite-State Machine, Pygame, Jump Down

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This section discusses in details about development of a 2-character fighting video game (similar to the street fighter) using python animation framework known as. Note that in part 2 of this chapter, we have discussed briefly about the features/ modules of pygame that are utilized in the game development. In this part of chapter 5, more emphasis would be put into providing clear explanation about every line of code mentioned in this document. If the user loses his/her fight, game over will pop over the screen; otherwise, Zero series, super mario series, pokemon series, etc. The walking cycle shown above is represented by the following quadruplet list. The jumping up sequence (until reaching the top) is represented by the following quadruplet list. The jumping down sequence (i. e. after reaching the top until reaching the ground) is represented by the following quadruplet list. The dash sequence above is represented by the following quadruplet list.

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