PSY 103 Chapter Notes - Chapter 6: Drug Tolerance, Jacques Loeb, Classical Conditioning

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Behaviorism: the position that psychology should concern itself only with what people and other animals do, and the circumstances in which they do it. Believe that thoughts and other internal states don"t cause behavior; events/environment are real cause of behavior. Stimulus-response psychology: the attempt to explain behavior in terms of how each stimulus triggers a response. Built-in mechanisms cause animals to move in adaptive ways, independent from their desires or intentions. Caterpillars approach light bc light causes greater muscle tension, causing it to move towards the light. Behaviorists believe behavior is product of current stimuli, individual"s history of experiences, and other factors. Animals are born with unconditioned reflexes: automatic connections between a stimulus and a response. Classical (pavlovian) conditioning: process by which an organism learns a new association between two stimuli. Food is unconditioned stimulus (ucs) and saliva is unconditioned response (ucr) Metronome followed by food is conditioned stimulus (cs) and saliva upon hearing metronome is conditioned response (cr)

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