SOC 105 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Social Distance, Thomas Theorem, Harold Garfinkel

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Henslin ch 4: social structure and social interaction . Two levels of analysis both needed to gain fuller understanding of social life. Used to analyze social class and relations btwn groups. Social interaction: what people do when they are in one another"s presence; includes communications at a distance. Used to analyze men"s rules/codes for getting along. Social structure: typical patterns of a group; guides our behavior. Tends to override our personal feelings and desires. Differences in behavior and attitudes are bc of our location in the social structure. Our social class influences our ideas and attitudes. Our statuses provides guidelines for how we are to act and feel. Status set: all the statuses or positions a person occupies. Ascribed status: involuntary (ie: race/ethnicity, sex, social class of parents) Achieved status: voluntary; status you earn/work towards (ie: student, friend, spouse) Status symbols can be both good and bad, depending on whether we like our status or not.

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