SOC 105 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: George Herbert Mead, Paul Ekman, Feral Child
Document Summary
Ie of feral child : the wild boy of aveyron. Shows that humans have no natural language. Language is the key to human development. Skeels/dye experiment high intelligence depends on early, close relations w other humans. There"s a period before age 13 in which children must learn language and experience human bonding if they want to develop normal intelligence and the ability to be sociable and follow social norms. Harry and margaret harlow infant-mother bonding is the result of intimate physical contact (ie cuddling) Babies don"t develop naturally into social adults. Socialization: the process by which people learn the characteristics of their group--the knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, norms, and actions thought appropriate for them. Charles horton cooley and the looking-glass self we imagine how we appear to those around us, we interpret others" reactions, and we develop a self-concept. George herbert mead we learn to empathize; to put ourselves into someone else"s shoes when we play.